This agenda item seeks board approval for the job description of Senior Videographer/Editor. This upgrade has been approved by SCTA. Upgrading the Senior Videographer Editor job description is crucial to aligning with the evolving demands of our highly technical and creative environment. As technology rapidly advances, the need for a highly trained and skilled workforce becomes increasingly paramount in engaging our audience.
Gap Analysis
Recognizing the evolving need for engaging video and audio programming the role of the Senior Videographer/Editor is outlined in this job description. The new duties and responsibilities address the highly technical and creative requirements needed for this upgrade.
Previous Outcomes
The district has identified the need to enhance the current role of Videographer/Editor in Communications to the Senior Videographer/Editor to expand on the need for multi-channel programming and marketing materials ensuring that we not only meet but exceed the expectations of our stakeholders, driving forward our mission of Every Student, Every Day!
Expected Outcomes
By expanding the role to Senior Videographer/Editor will include assisting with the broadcast of school board meetings, and workshops, and troubleshooting production/broadcast equipment, we ensure seamless operations and maintain a high standard of quality. Moreover, providing media support for live events and upholding an efficient media production environment further enhances our capacity to deliver exceptional content and experiences. This upgrade not only elevates our creative capabilities but also reinforces our commitment to excellence and innovation in retaining a technologically skilled workforce and multimedia communication team.
Strategic Plan Goal
Pillar 5 - Every Community Engaged
Priority 5.1 - Effective Communication & Marketing
That the upgraded job description for the Senior Videographer/Editor to strengthen and support the district’s branding and communications efforts be approved as presented.
Contact Information
DANIELLE SCHWIED danielle.schwied@sarasotacountyschools.net
CRAIG MANIGLIA craig.maniglia@sarasotacountyschools.net
CHRIS RENOUF chris.renouf@sarasotacountyschools.net
Financial Impact
Cost neutral - position eliminated to fund upgrade
Funding Source: General