Item Coversheet

Sarasota County Schools Logo
June 18, 2024 Board Meeting
Agenda Item 12.



Behavior Care, Inc. provides highly skilled behavior analysts with extensive experience working with students whose behaviors of concern negatively impact their access to education. Students are systematically observed to analyze behavior throughout the school day, provide a detailed functional behavior assessment, develop a comprehensive behavior intervention plan, install Total Progress System (TPS) data collection software, provide training to teachers and administrators, and carefully monitor intervention fidelity to ensure measurable progress is obtained.


TPS provides the necessary measurement foundation for meaningful behavioral consultation and analysis. TPS data provides feedback to teachers whose participation is essential to the success of students' behavioral intervention plans. TPS data similarly informs all participants on a student's support team, monitoring the effect of intervention strategies and documenting meaningful progress as one part of a student's Behavioral System Analysis that visualizes the entirety of a student's support plan.


Sarasota adopted the Total Progress System (“TPS”) developed by Board-Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) at Behavior Care, Inc. TPS is a very detailed and advanced system for monitoring and collecting data on student behavior incidents in the classroom. It is utilized throughout the district, and it generates regular reports on student behavior that can be shared with parents on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Gap Analysis
TPS is an adopted data collection tool for Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans at all levels and all schools across the district. All ESE Behavior Intervention Coaches and Schoolwide Behavior Coaches continue to receive training utilizing this system.

Previous Outcomes 

ESE Exceptional Learning Solutions Review (11/28/23) Commendation

ESE Review Commendation: 

  • Sarasota has adopted the Total Progress System (TPS) to collect behavioral data and monitor student incidents, which provides teachers and parents with a visual representation of timely student behavior progress.


ESE Exceptional Learning Solutions Review (11/28/23) 


  • Continue utilizing the TPS system for collection and analysis of  student behavior data, with a standard data explanation provided by Behavior Care, Inc., for parental reporting and ease of understanding, and provide additional training for teachers and staff on the analysis of TPS data and how it can be utilized to predict and address student behavior incidents.

Expected Outcomes 

Continued partnership and services provided by Lewis Weber, Board-Certified Behavior Analyst for the 24.25 SY:


Deliver Professional Development and Ongoing Technical Support to 

Behavior Coaches

o   Total Progress System (TPS)

§  Developing TPS Rubrics

§  Entering data and notes

§  Using key graphs and analyses to summarize progress

§  Linking PBIS initiatives to increasing target behaviors

§  Creating IEP goals from TPS data

§  Sharing TPS data with parents and professionals

§  Using phase changes to document changes in intervention strategies

§  Using TPS Productivity Tools

o   Conducting Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA) & Design of TPS Rubric

§  Interviewing informants

§  Coding information in the FBA & TPS Rubric Tool

§  Weighting function strength

§  Filtering behavioral data matrix.

§  Selecting function graphs

§  Differentiating PBIS terms

§  Creating TPS Rubric of increasing and decreasing target behaviors

Strategic Plan Goal

Pillar 2 - Every Student Supported

Priority 2.2 - Respond to Student Needs


That the contract between Behavior Care, Inc.  and the School Board of Sarasota County, Florida be approved as presented. 

Contact Information



RACHAEL O'DEA  rachael.o'

Financial Impact

The total fiscal impact is not to exceed $115,000.00.

Funding Source: Grant (IDEA)

DescriptionUpload DateType
Behavior Care Contract5/28/2024Cover Memo