| | | | | | | | June 18, 2024 Board Meeting Agenda Item 35.
Description The proposed changes to the Fleet Maintenance Administrator job description will provide flexibility in filling the position with a person who has asset management experience but may not meet the currently required mechanic certifications and experience. Additionally, the move from group H to group J will provide compensation equivalent to the demands of the position.
Gap Analysis During the last several years, the management of both the White Fleet and Bus fleet has lagged industry standards as the position requirements limited the position to a person with mechanic experience and specific industry certification regarding vehicle maintenance. While the Fleet Maintenance Administrator should have mechanical knowledge of both gasoline and diesel vehicles, it is imperative that the position have experience in asset management and reducing overall cost of ownership of a fleet of vehicles. The proposed changes to the job description will provide the Director of Transportation flexibility in determining the best person to fill the needs of the department in the Fleet Maintenance Administrator position.
Previous Outcomes Previous practice has led to a white fleet of vehicles that are just continuing to be a draw on transportation resources. The same can be said for the bus fleet. Management of assets has not been based on reducing the cost of ownership as it should be. This will continue to be a drain on district resources until it is rectified.
Expected Outcomes Changing the job description qualifications will allow for the hiring of someone who has less mechanic experience but has an abundance of fleet management experience. Under the current job description, a person with that type of qualification would not meet the qualifications to be hired. The proposed changes would give the Director of Transportation the ability to hire the best person to manage our fleet of vehicles. The change in salary from group H to group J will help ensure that highly qualified fleet manager candidates are interested in applying for the job and will make the job more competitive with other agencies.
Strategic Plan Goal
Pillar 3 - Every Employee Valued
Priority 3.1 - Recruit, Recognize, and Retain Recommendation That the revised job description for Fleet Maintenance Administrator be approved as presented.
Contact Information
DANIELLE SCHWIED danielle.schwied@sarasotacountyschools.net
KEITH LITTLE keith.little@sarasotacountyschools.net
JODY DUMAS jody.dumas@sarasotacountyschools.net
MICHAEL KEMP michael.kemp@sarasotacountyschools.net
Financial Impact
Funding Source: General