| | | | | | | | June 18, 2024 Board Meeting Agenda Item 28.
Description In 2021, the Florida Department of Education approved the District’s 2021 Educational Plant Five-Year Survey. Florida Statute 1013.31 mandates that supplemental surveys be submitted when a school district seeks to remodel existing buildings or construct new buildings not included in the Five-Year Survey. This survey amendment allows for the razing and replacement of buildings 1, 4 and 5 at Garden Elementary. Upon approval by the Board, the submittal will be accomplished online through the Florida Department of Education’s Educational Facilities Information System (EFIS).
Gap Analysis The District’s 2021 Educational Plant Five-Year Survey did not include the razing and replacement of buildings 1, 4 and 5 at Garden Elementary. This survey amendment, once approved by the Board and submitted to the Florida Department of Education, would allow for the razing and replacement of Garden Elementary.
Previous Outcomes The Board has previously approved supplemental plant surveys in order to allow for remodel and new construction projects not included in the Educational Plant Five-Year Survey.
Expected Outcomes That the supplemental plant survey is approved to raze and rebuild Garden Elementary.
Strategic Plan Goal
Pillar 4 - Every School Equipped
Priority 2 - Create High Quality Infrastructure Recommendation That the supplemental plant survey be approved as presented.
Contact Information
DIANE COMINOTTI diane.cominotti@sarasotacountyschools.net
JODY DUMAS jody.dumas@sarasotacountyschools.net
MICHAEL KEMP michael.kemp@sarasotacountyschools.net
Financial Impact NA
ATTACHMENTS: | Description | Upload Date | Type | Plant Survey | 5/30/2024 | Cover Memo |