The Construction Services' change orders are summarized on the enclosure for ease of review. Included in these change orders is a ($4,578,996.94) deduct for Direct Material Purchases and the corresponding ($20,840.65) deduct for sales tax savings. These change orders result in an overall contract decrease of ($4,632,079.99).
Gap Analysis
Change orders are utilized on construction contracts to adjust the original contract amount for various circumstances. These may include adjustments for an increase or decrease in project scope, adjustments needed to close a contract and return unspent project funds to the district, or for removing the purchase of large items from a contract so the district can purchase these items directly from vendors to save sales tax. The attached documents detail the associated change orders for this item on multiple projects.
Previous Outcomes
Change orders reflect construction project progress and occur normally as a result of conditions on the construction project and district staff managing the costs associated with each project, including deductive change orders to allow the district to save sales tax.
Expected Outcomes
This system has resulted in significant, ongoing savings and allows district staff to continue to maximize these benefits, especially as the construction market becomes more competitive.
Strategic Plan Goal
Pillar 4 - Every School Equipped
Pillar 4.2 - Create High Quality Infrastructure
That the Construction Services’ change orders be approved and/or ratified as presented.
Contact Information
JANE DREGER jane.dreger@sarasotacountyschools.net
JODY DUMAS jody.dumas@sarasotacountyschools.net
MICHAEL KEMP michael.kemp@sarasotacountyschools.net
Financial Impact
$20,840.62 - Sales Tax Savings
Funding Source: Capital