| | | | | | | | June 18, 2024 Board Meeting Agenda Item 44.
Description To create a unified accelerated learning approach through collaboration with school leaders and curriculum teams. This will create a cohesive approach for all accelerated programs (AP, IB, AICE, Dual Enrollment) at each school site. By creating a streamlined program delivery on campus to ensure easy access to information for students, parents, and teachers this will promote information to prospective students. In partnership with middle schools, the Coordinator will develop a plan highlighting the benefits of accelerated learning, build strong relationships with middle school staff to ensure a smooth transition for interested students, and work to create informative resources (brochures, videos, online) about these programs.
Gap Analysis
Empower Students for Success:
- Guide students interested in AP, IB, AICE, or Dual Enrollment programs.
- Provide comprehensive information about each program, including pre-requisites and benefits.
- Help students prepare for coursework by outlining pre-enrollment steps.
- Offer support throughout the program to ensure student success.
Assist with exam preparation for students seeking diplomas through these programs.
Previous Outcomes N/A
Expected Outcomes Increase student participation and success in accelerated programs (AP, IB, AICE, Dual Enrollment) at our high schools.
Strategic Plan Goal
Pillar 1 - Every Student Achieves
Priority 1.4 - Equip Students for Life
Pillar 2 - Every Student Supported
Priority 2.1 - Design Strong Student Supports Recommendation That the position of the Acceleration Programs Coordinator 9-12 that was formerly considered a TOSA be approved as presented.
Contact Information
DANIELLE SCHWIED danielle.schwied@sarasotacountyschools.net
MEGAN GREEN megan.green@sarasotacountyschools.net
RACHAEL O'DEA rachael.o'dea@sarasotacountyschools.net
Financial Impact
No additional financial impact